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Rice Protein ECO,  - Healthwell
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Rice Protein ECO

600+ sold
Organic rice protein.

- Good vegetarian protein source.
- 80% protein
- Perfect in a smoothie
500 g

Our price

17,90 €
Hemp Protein
500 g
Organic Hemp Protein
15,90 €
Betyg: 4.74 / 5
Organic Pea Protein
500 g
Organic Pea Protein
15,90 €
  • Product description
  • Nutritional content
Nutritional content
Product description

100% pure organic rice protein

Healthwell Rice Protein ECO is an organic rice protein that is entirely free from additives. This rice protein contains as much as 80% protein and also has a broad amino acid profile, which allows the body to use the protein in an efficient manner. Healthwell Rice Protein ECO is perfect as a complement to your meals or as a snack. Also excellent for vegetarians or vegans who want to maintain their protein intake. The natural taste allows you to easily mix it into a tasty smoothie or other drink!

  • Vegetable protein from rice
  • Broad amino acid profile
  • 100% pure without additives
  • Natural taste
  • Organic

Why rice protein?

Protein is an important nutrient that we need to be able to build enzymes and cells as well as hormones. Protein consists of up to 20 different amino acids, of which 9 are essential. That these amino acids are “essential” means that we cannot produce them ourselves, but need to get them via the diet. Rice protein contains as much as 80% protein and is also a good source of protein that meets many of the body's needs. In addition, it contains important vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin E, which is an antioxidant. It also has a high bioavailability and is quickly absorbed by the body. This makes rice protein an excellent plant-based meal supplement, for example for those on a vegetarian or vegan diet who want to make sure they get a sufficient amount of protein.

Combine with pea protein

The protein’s amino acids decide which function a particular protein has. Different combinations of amino acids result in different functions in the body, and the ratio between them is different depending on the protein source. Rice protein is a good source of protein with a wide range of amino acids, but is not complete. To achieve a complete profile, you can combine rice protein with another plant-based protein, for example Healthwell Pea Protein ECO. Thanks to the fact that they are based on different crops, the amino acid profiles complement each other well.

Gentle and easy to mix

Rice protein is naturally free from both lactose and gluten, which makes it a perfect alternative for those who are sensitive to these. It is also a very gentle protein variety that suits those with a sensitive stomach, as well as those who want to avoid soy and milk, which are often found in traditional protein powders. Healthwell Rice Protein ECO is also easily soluble and easy to mix into smoothies and other beverages. Because it is completely natural and unsweetened, you can also season it exactly as you wish. Add about 30 g (¾ scoop) into any liquid and drink once a day as a supplement to your meals or as a protein-rich snack.

What does it mean if a rice protein is EU-organic?

In organic food production, biodiversity, the conservation of natural resources, environmental practices and strict animal welfare are observed (1). In order for a product to be labeled as EU-organic, the label used within the EU, a product must meet strict conditions that apply to the entire production chain. The product must contain at least 95% organic ingredients, and the other 5% must meet additional strict conditions (2).

In organic crop production, it is important to promote soil fertility and to allow for perennial crop rotation and a cycle of organic material. Therefore, fertilizers, compost and plant protection products should only be used if they comply with the principles and objectives of organic production. In general, the EU requires that an organic food must be produced without synthetically produced chemical pesticides and without artificial fertilizers. In organic production, genetic engineering is also prohibited. In addition, organic production should rely mainly on renewable resources (3).

Vegetarian Friendly
The symbol Vegetarian Friendly indicates that the product's content is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.


  1. EG. 2007. Rådets förordning (EG) nr 834/2007 om ekologisk produktion och märkning av ekologiska produkter och om upphävande av förordning (EEG) nr 2092/91. (Retrieved 2021-09-24)
  2. EG. 2007. Rådets förordning (EG) nr 834/2007 om ekologisk produktion och märkning av ekologiska produkter och om upphävande av förordning (EEG) nr 2092/91. (Retrieved 2021-09-24)
  3. EG. 2007. Rådets förordning (EG) nr 834/2007 om ekologisk produktion och märkning av ekologiska produkter och om upphävande av förordning (EEG) nr 2092/91. (Retrieved 2021-09-24)



Product recommendations

Hemp Protein
500 g
Organic Hemp Protein
15,90 €
Betyg: 4.74 / 5
Organic Pea Protein
500 g
Organic Pea Protein
15,90 €